Colleagues Not Competitors

From Director Philip Drake
Camp News #002

Colleagues, not competitors - that is the concept regarding our philosophy of teamwork with other camps. Recently, some of our staff had the privilege of going to Longview Camp in Arcade, NY.

The purpose was 3-fold: to help, to learn, to encourage

The Longview staff is resurrecting an old Good News camp, so you can imagine the amount of work that must go into an old property with little contacts in the community anymore. However, they are doing a fantastic job of rebuilding. As colleagues, it was our pleasure to assist them with a few simple projects to give them a boost as they work towards their summer camp season.

We try to visit a few other camps each year so that we can rub shoulders with their staff and learn how they do ministry. One thing we’ve learned – each camp has its own flavor and methods of ministry. We took pages of notes as we walked their property and talked about how we each do camp.

As a somewhat small camp ourselves, we know the difficulties that can come with tight budgets, aging facilities, and staff shortages. So, it was our mission to encourage the Longview staff to continue walking through the doors that God opens for them, and to trust in Him each step of the way. And of course, in the process, we were incredibly blessed by their staff as we shared common vision and the mission to share the truths of God to our communities.

We thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship, the work projects, and the encouraging conversations. Now we’re back, and we have some great new ideas for this summer of ministry!

So, when you pray for Mt. Lou San, say a prayer, also, for the many camps across the world that are sharing the truths of God’s Word for the purpose of life change. We can all use your prayers.


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