Partnering with Homeschool Families

From Director Philip Drake
Camp News #003

Each Spring and Fall, Mt. Lou San hosts a physical education class for home school families. We are currently about halfway through our spring session in which we have 42 students ranging from 8-18 years old. This class was created many years ago with several goals in mind:

  1. To create an opportunity to assist homeschool families, allowing them to use our property to get some exercise, accomplishing their physical education requirements. It also helps them to enjoy God’s beautiful creation and to connect with other students in the process.

  2. Strengthening families is a major goal of Mt. Lou San.

  3. Sharing the truths of God’s Word with as many as will listen. In addition to the physical activity, we take time each class to intentionally speak to some spiritual themes, asking students to think about their spiritual condition and walk with Jesus Christ. This session we are going through a series called “God is…” with topics that include God is Peace, God is With Us, God is a Very Present Help in Time of Trouble, God is My Guide, God is Good, and God is Faithful.

These young people are a joy to be around. Many of them have been coming for years and years as this camp has become a staple in their regular routine. We are thankful for the opportunity to be a consistent voice speaking truth into their lives and getting to know them and their families better.


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